In close collaboration and conversation with 51N4E, Dr. Neven Kostic, Adam Jasper, Olivier Campagne, Inside Outside, Studio Urbane Strategien
The Probstei Hill is located on the outskirts of Zurich in Schwamendingen, at the interface with the landscape, at the foot of the Zürichberg. TEN worked closely with a team led by Ganz Landschaftsarchitekt*innen and won the study contract for a utilization and design concept for the Probstei-Hügel, which was put out to tender by Grün Stadt Zürich. Our team with the sociologist Laura Iseli, the garden expert Wanda Keller, the Institute for Agroecology.
With Ganz Landschaftsarchitekt*innen

For the Innovation Park Zürich competition (IPZ), TEN was invited to propose an adaptable typology for a variety of commercial use. FLEX is designed, built, and maintained to accommodate future alterations, new usage patterns, or provide latent potential for reuse by acting as a live building repository. The use of dry joinery speeds up the construction process by eliminating curing or drying times and requiring less labor due to their simplicity. Dry assembly enables the reduction of wet trades and waste, resulting in a cleaner work site and lower environmental impact.
HALL was developed simultaneously on an adjacent site to serve as an "assembly space" for the entire IPZ development. The typology is based on adaptable construction systems that provide versatile spatial organization. The building components are designed for these short-term modifications. By facilitating other building typologies of the IPZ site, future operations can continue without interruption, expediting construction and eliminating the need for excessive transport.
In collaboration with Dr. Neven Kostic, Olivier Campagne, Marina Montresor, Julius Henkel, Rose Schuller, Deepshi Kaushal, Lüchinger Meyer Partner.
A research project on the future of an agean island with focus on mining economies, terraforming and spatial transformation.
With Lydia Xynogala, Adam Jasper, Lorenza Donati, Antoine Berchier, Matyas Enz, Helin Can, Clara Richard Gostynski, Nico Krebs, Tobias Wootton, Emma Jones
After an initial euphoric phase of expansion, the EU faces a lot of internal and external critique. Uncertain what it is, it is much more certain so say: it won’t remain the same. TEN considers its viewpoint on the EU from outside (Belgrade), as well as from an inside exclave (Zurich). The proposal for the EU Pavilion at the Venice Biennale, has the urgency to make a radical und risky move. The pavilion does not stand on its own, it requires assistance. It will not host its contents like a vessel, it rather bolsters on them. It does not just invite the EU to contribute its most relevant cultural findings by appeal, it straight forward begs for structural support. Each bi-yearly exhibition’s curators are invited to use the structure as wished, all elements can be removed, altered copied and added, but bears the statical responsibility. It is up to their choice to provoke cracks or, if aesthetically required, partial collapse, if the trees are not hurt in the process. The model anticipates the year 2028…
EUPavilion Eight Proposals
Curated by Anna Livia Friel and Marco Provinciali with Benjamin Gallegos Gabilondo, Nicolò Ornaghi and Francesco Zorzi.
Photography: Delfino Sisto Legnani
Video and 3d: No Text Azienda
Sound: Paolo Forchetti
Graphic Design and Development: bruno, Alex Piacentini
Nautilus has no client and no owner. Nautilus is a passage to the river; a place to sit and read; a playground for children; a platform for talks and readings, a stage for performances, concerts, shows of various sizes. Over a summer, residents and cultural groups in Skopje welcomed an open structure at the banks of the city’s Vardar River. Conceived and realized by a group of students, TEN, and a local NGO City Creative Network (CCN), the 20-meter-long primary structure of Nautilus was constructed over the stone embankment wall, negotiating a 5-meter level change, and offering a pedestrian connection from the higher street level to the water’s edge. The threshold between road and recreational space initiates new spatial possibilities for prompting and facilitating cultural events and gatherings on this previously underutilized site. The canopy becomes a frame for the site, a projection surface, and a delineator of different spaces of transition within the otherwise rigid repeated steel structure.
Invited for the Swiss Art Awards, Studiolo [It.: ‘little study’] was an artistic research on material, form and a classic room typology through furan sand. The material, typically used as a molding agent for casting, was donated by the Kunstgiesserei St Gallen, giving the opportunity to research the applications of this material outside its normal function in the way of: creasing, shaving, smearing, tearing, chipping, splitting, cutting, dropping, removing, simplifying, splash, curving, inlaying, impressing, spreading, hanging, collecting, layering, heaping, gathering, scattering, arranging, covering, wrapping, binding, joining, bonding and marking. With these actions, 13T of furan sand was co-opted to play out the formal limits of a new Studiolo typology.

After the PHI Foundation and PHI Centre, PHI Contemporain is the third piece of a new type of cultural facility in Montreal. This additional 5,000 square meters cannot be summed up as yet another “temple museum” but rather as an open and dynamic place, designed above all for the public. Its vocation is not only to welcome and showcase contemporary creation, but to stimulate it, and even to produce it in situ. For this, the design regulates the interface with the city by an understated facades and all access to the clear horizontal planes of the floors, “mega-floors”, modular and appropriate platforms. These planes are not undifferentiated. Each level is specified according to climatic and programmatic constraints.
With BRUTHER and Truwant+Rodet+.

In collaboration with Hazima Smajlović, NGO Naš Izvor, Engineers Without Borders, and the Gradačac municipality, The House for Five Women provides habitation for single, socially disadvantaged women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Shaped on the principles of co-living, the five self-contained rooms are situated around a shared living, handwork and garden spaces to allow both privacy and foster interdependence. Working closely with TEN, landscape architect Daniel Ganz harmonized the building with its surroundings, setting and planting trees from surroundings, taking care of ground surfaces and developing a layout for the garden, while artist Shirana Shahbazi orchestrated the structure with color that transformed the facade into a dynamic interplay. A kind of tapestry continuously changing appearance. The building was constructed through on-site dialogue with local building contractors.
Photography by Maxime Delvaux & Adrien de Hemptinne
We hope you will support foundation Naš Izvor in a way you find appropriate.
Avala House is a prototype to propose how design can make compact living desirable. Resting on two utility rooms, the minimal single living space is joined by three terraces and forms a central open courtyard. By opening the facade-length doors the interior space transitions to one of a landscape. The construction logic, joining, and details of the house are a direct result of on-site collaboration with contractor-owner Zoran Spasojevic. The emphasis on local material stock, and contractor skills, challenges the norm of architecture being a complete conceptual product, but rather opening the process as a genuine conversation on the process of construction, future use and the necessity of planned maintenance.

TEN forms three legal entities to fulfil its agency;
INSTITUTE as non for profit association,
STUDIO as collection of single companies,
WORKS as a limited share company.
TEN is composed as a record label, providing new formats for interdependent work groups with emphasis on design by research. It aims to conceive, explore and produce ideas that both state and expand upon emerging practices in the built environment. Its focus lies on producing new realities by means of building prototypes, urban propositions, algorithmic design, and materials research with a range of collaborators, colleagues, institutional partners and private clients.
TEN is an architecture, design and research association working on the principle that value is an outcome of design effort. Its engagement on public themes of interest and open research on the built environment is shaped by its common statute.

We’re living in a world that is technological and primordial simultaneously. I guess the idea is to make (art) architecture that reflects this premise.

In collaboration with the Thame Sherpa Heritage Fund, the Monks Dormitory project combines traditional stonework with a novel, lightweight structural framework. Developed with the ETH Chair of Structural Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering and local contractors, the framework improves seismic resilience, reduces reliance on costly imported cement, and addresses the five most common earthquake structural failures. The project utilizes an open-learning construction site for documentation and dissemination of these methods, targeting the estimated 90% of homes destroyed by the 2015 earthquake.

Design not only serves the practical needs of society but also gives form to its shared aspirations. Invited by the city of Zurich in the design competition for a new recycling centre with the challenge to design from a predefined catalogue of recovered materials. The public program is expanded with generous sorting facilities for material up-cycling, designed over an open, mixed-use hall with a 34m roof span. Bundled, tied and bolted appropriate materials into hybrid structural elements designed for disassembly, aiming to move from simply recycling toward circular construction.
With Assemble, Ingegneri Pedrazzini Guidotti Sagl, Koenig Landscape Architecture, Caretta+Weidmann Generalplaner AG

In collaboration with Neven Kostic for the Bern Railway Housing Cooperative, the 500-year tower is a three-floor hybrid construction system that leverages the comparative advantages of both concrete and prefabricated timber elements. In-situ concrete is used for the superstructure and combined with a life cycle maintenance program, whereas prefabricated light-weight timber housing modules fill the voids. This approach reduces the need for both timber and concrete, shortens construction time, and offers unique spatial possibilities over the lifespan of the building. A series of atrium and circulation spaces connect the three-floor community clusters with shared services allowing for local programmatic rearrangements.
TEN with Dr. Neven Kostic, Andreas Keller (Renggli), Frank Thesseling, PLAYZE, Dr. Andrea Glauser, Olivier Campagne

TEN is an architecture, design and research association working on the principle that value is an outcome of design effort. Its engagement on public themes of interest and open research on the built environment is shaped by its common statute.
TEN is composed as a record label, providing new formats for interdependent work groups with emphasis on design by research. It aims to conceive, explore and produce ideas that both state and expand upon emerging practices in the built environment. Its focus lies on producing new realities by means of building prototypes, urban propositions, algorithmic design, and materials research with a range of collaborators, colleagues, institutional partners and private clients. TEN is currently focused on developing models for affordable living with particular focus on cohabitation, either through invited studies, prequalified competitions or in self-initiated collaborations.
TEN is a Swiss Art Award (Architecture 2018) and Foundation Award (2020) laureate. Its members are regularly invited and awarded for their contributions to swiss and international design competitions. The work of its members has been published and presented across numerous digital and printed platforms, magazines and academic journals.
TEN has most recently been nominated for the Royal Academy Dorfman Prize 2024, the Mies van der Rohe Award 2022 for its prototype Avala House and the World Bank Resilient Housing Award for its construction model for the redevelopment of the Thame Valley, Nepal.
TEN practices design by research
TEN measures precedents
TEN qualifies the urban
TEN works with temporality
TEN reinterprets typologies
TEN annotates projects with many hands
TEN affirms territory through form
TEN constructs with simple means
TEN investigates through drawing
TEN inquires as research
TEN activates specialized knowledge
TEN builds collective practice
TEN welcomes all
Aleksandra Bašić MArch
Cyrill Wechsler MSc ETH Arch
Danijela Jovičić Dipl Arch FH
David Stöger Dipl Ing Arch
Dunja Dedic MArch
Djurdja Radenković BArch
Fabian Lauener MSc ETH Arch
Fabiana Frisullo MSc ETH Arch
Jelena Perović Dipl Ing Arch
Joel Zimmerli MSc ETH Arch
Luka Piškorec MSc ETH Arch (PhD)
Lukas Burkhart MSc ETH Arch
Nenad Pavlovic MArch
Nemanja Zimonjić MSc ETH Arch
Nicolas Rothenbühler MSc ETH Arch
Ognjen Krašna MArch
Scott Lloyd MSc ETH Arch
Tijana Mačkić MArch
Shirana Shahbazi, Dr. Neven Kostić, Adam Jasper, Engineers without borders(IngOG+), Boris Gušić, Dürig AG, MOFA studio, Studio Tom Emerson ETHZ, Début Début, Studio Mathias Clottu, Urbane Strategien, Ganz Landschaftsarchitekten, Truwant + Rodet +, Stadt Zurich, Dominique Perrault Architecture, Alexis Kalagas, BRUTHER, Jan Eugster, DORSA, Assemble, Guillaume Othenin-Girard, Karl Ruhle, MIR, Edelaar Mosayebi Inderbitzin, playze GmbH, Chur University of Applied Sciences, OMMX, Ville de Genève, Bauhaus University of Weimar, Studio NOUN, Emma Letizia Jones, Estudio Artigas, Bessire Winter, 51N4E, Andreas Klein, Dr. Peter Bach, Deepshi Kaushal, Reto Wasser, Maxime Delvaux, Kunstgiesserei St. Gallen, Ciro Miguel, Bernhard Zingler, Hazima Smajlović, Sofia Boarino, gousgous, Varun Amar Kaushik, Lydia Xynogala, Clara Richard, Anton Krebs, Matyas Enz, Niels Lehmann, Ralf Schweizer, Museum für Gestaltung Zürich, David Roth, Ricardo Dias, Olivier Campagne, Julius Henkel, Marina Montresor, Rose Schuller, Inside Outside, Illias Hischier, Matija Piškorec, Dr. Gnanli Landrou, Shen He, Emil Jurcan, Giulia Setti, Structura Concept, Zoki, Jana Kulić, Josh Harshkamp, Jack Hawthorne, Veronica Contucci, Sara Lazarević, Nina Schranz, Miloš Paunović, Martin König, Miodrag Grbić, Ida Križaj Leko, Krebs und Herde Landschaftsarchitekten, Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe Hamburg, BABINIGEYSEN, Tiphaine Abenia, Mariapaola Michelotto,...
TEN, Kanzleistrasse 129, 8004, Zurich, Switzerland,
TEN, Trg Nikole Pašića 7, 11000, Belgrade, Serbia,
Email:, Instagram: ten_studio